Newdawn has been developed over a number of years for my own personal use and to combine my interest in Java programming and financial management. My objective was to live entirely debt free and Newdawn has been of great assistance in achieving this goal. Having benefited from the application I am making the software freely available and I hope it will offer others similar benefits.
Our mission statement is to help you control your financial situation before your financial situation takes control of you. It lets you plan and reconcile your finances to avoid the costs and anxiety of financial distress. With careful use, Newdawn will help you
Save substantial amounts of money in reduced interest charges, late payment penalties and unauthorized overdraft charges.
Maintain a good credit rating and avoid the stress of financial distress.
Identify categories of expenditure that may be excessive, unnecessary and over budget, helping you reduce or eliminate unnecessary expenditures.
Create balanced dudgets to identify future hot spots that if left unmanaged could result in expensive financial penalties, reduce credit ratings, or even asset repossession. Newdawn gives you time to adjust your expenditure to avoid these hot spots.
Identify your future credit or overdraft requirements so that if you do need to approach financial institutions for credit, you can present a well thought out financial plans. Financial institutions are more likely to accommodate your credit needs and charge you substantially less when you seek credit on the basis of a well prepared budget rather than waiting for your finances get out of control.
Patrick Fidler, Developer, Newdawn Financial Organizer